Newburyport Literary Festival: A Celebration of Literature, Readers, and Writers
Newburyport Literary Festival: A Celebration of Literature, Readers, and Writers

2014 Schedule Other Events

Twelfth Annual Favorite Poem Project of Greater Newburyport

Firehouse Center for the Arts, One Market Square, Newburyport
Sunday April 27, 2014
3:00 p.m.

The Favorite Poem Project was started by former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky to encourage people to share their favorite poems with others and appreciate the wonders of poetry. To culminate the Newburyport Literary Festival, Newburyport High School Creative Writing students are planning and organizing the Tenth Annual Greater Newburyport Favorite Poem Project. Students are calling on everyone in the community to choose a favorite poem and bring it into the classroom spotlight. After reading all the poems in class, students will select twenty-four to be read at the Newburyport Firehouse Center for the Arts on April 27, 2014. Students will assess not only how they like the poems, but also how participants have established personal connections to them.
You do not need to be a poetry aficionado to participate. In fact, part of the fun lies in the surprise of how certain poems can have meaning to the least likely people, as well as to the poetry lovers. Students will choose an entertaining and enlightening variety of poems and readers for the April 27th event.
To submit a poem for consideration, email it to [email protected] or mail it to Deborah Szabo, Newburyport High School, 241 High Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 by April 7. Along with a copy of the poem, please include a brief paragraph explaining why it is a favorite, your name, your email address or phone number, and some identifying information, such as your profession and/or age, so we can be sure to select a varied group of readers and poems for the performance. If you choose a poem in a foreign language, please attach a translation.

The Favorite Poem Project is sponsored this year by EBSCO.

John P. Marquand Prize for American Literature

Custom House Maritime Museum, 25 Water Street, Newburyport
Sunday April 27, 2014
4:00-6:00 p.m.

The John P. Marquand Prize for American Literature will be awarded to Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Richard Russo in a reception at the Custom House Maritime Museum on Sunday, April 27, 4:00-6:00 pm.
The event is open to the public, but seating is limited.

Topic: Newburyport is celebrating its 250th birthday in 2014. Using your knowledge of Newburyport’s history and your personal experience living in Newburyport, prepare an answer in which you:

  • Explain why understanding the history of Newburyport is important
  • Describe the impact that this history has on your life
  • Imagine what a child your age will be doing in Newburyport in another 250 years.

Deadline: February 28 extended to March 21, 2014
Nominations accepted beginning January 31, 2014
Please bring nominations to any school office in Newburyport.

The Newburyport Literary Festival want to increase students' knowledge and understanding of the importance of the history and cultural contributions of Newburyport in its 250th anniversary year. Essays will be judged by a panel of distinguished guests, including a former Superintendent of Schools, a retired Newburyport teacher, and a history author. Winners of this essay contest will present their winning essay as part of the 2014 Newburyport Literary Festival, and will receive recognition from the Mayor’s Office. Essays will be displayed in Newburyport City Hall.

Who is eligible?

All students enrolled in grades 3-12 in Newburyport public, private and home schools. Students must submit original work and have a teacher or parent sign the contest entry form.


The essay should be 300-400 words and must include student name, age, school, and teacher. Home school students must also provide contact information. Entries submitted without this information will be disqualified. Entries may be typed or handwritten but must be double-spaced.

Entry Fee

There is no entry fee for this contest. 

Award Categories:

  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12
  • Each category will have a first, second, and third place winner and two honorable mentions.

Entry Deadline
All entries should be submitted by February 28 extended to March 21, 2014.

Scoring procedures at all levels of the contest will be identical.

  1. Historical Knowledge and Organization (Logical interpretation of the subject, adherence to topic) 40 points
  2. Vocabulary and Style (Phrasing and continuity): 35 points
  3. Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling: 20 points
  4. Neatness: 5 points

Newburyport Literary Festival, A Project of the Newburyport Literary Association – PO Box 268 � Newburyport, MA 01950 – 978-465-1257

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