Newburyport Literary Festival

A Celebration of Literature, Readers, and Writers
• 20th Anniversary •
• In-Person & Virtual Events • April 25–27, 2025

Fiction Workshops

Virtuoso Class: Making Writing Come Alive

This literary fiction online workshop will explore techniques that maximize the visual impact of our prose and increase our awareness of the “limitations” of the reader. One of the fundamental things about the relationship between author and reader is that both must bring something to the experience in order to make for an effective story. On the one side, a reader has to make an effort in order to be able to “see” what is being portrayed on the page, and on the other, the writer must work to “show.” And yet, how is this actually accomplished? If it’s not possible for an author to capture, for instance, every single detail of a living room—the way a camera would—or of a character’s face, or of a skyline, then what details must be included? Or perhaps more importantly, what details must be left out? Toward this end, we’ll examine the “black marks” on the page as well as the white space in which utter silence, colorlessness, and absence of detail exist. Our discussion may touch on a range of artistic genres, including drawings, songs, poems, and film. Photo credit: Beowulf Sheehan.

Our Virtuoso classes are taught by leading voices in literary arts who have achieved high esteem in their profession and who share their insights and knowledge to help enrich the minds of those younger to the craft.

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Instructor: Said Sayrafiezadeh [BIO]


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