Children/Teens | Fiction | Nonfiction | Poetry | Moderators
Listed in alphabetical order
Breakfast with the Poets — Saturday 8:30 AM
Nancy Bailey Miller has published six books of poems: Risking Rallentando, Before the Dove Returns, Dance Me Along the Path, Making Strawberry Pies, Hold On and, most recently, Tacking Lessons. Her prose book Of Minitmen & Molly’s, is a collection of stand-alone articles she wrote for Town Crossings. Anthologized in the Powow River Anthology, Merrimack Literary Review, The 2010 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire, and The Crafty Poet, Nancy taught writing at Phillips Academy for 11 summers. Her poetry has also appeared in many journals including Rattapallax, Fine Lines, Blue Unicorn, and on-line journals such as Quill & Parchment, Poetry Porch: Sonnet Scroll, and Lighten Up On Line. In addition to writing, Nancy teaches Suzuki violin, loves playing string quartets, and racing sailboats in Marblehead.
Breakfast with the Poets — Saturday 8:30 AM
David Berman, a noted attorney, is a graduate of the University of Florida. He earned graduate degrees at Johns Hopkins University and Boston University, where he studied with Robert Lowell. While attending Harvard Law School he frequently published work in the Harvard Advocate. Berman’s work has also appeared in numerous magazines, including Counter Measures, The Formalist, Harvard Magazine, Piedmont Literary Review, The Epigrammatist, Sparrow, Lambs & Trochees, and Orbis. He has also published three chapbooks: Future Imperfect (State Street Press, 1982), Slippage (Robert L. Barth, 1996), and David Berman: Greatest Hits 1965–2002 (Pudding House, 2002). His awards and honors include several from the World Order of Narrative and Formalist Poets, which sponsors a yearly national competition. A 29 year resident of Belmont, Berman is fortunate enough to have many interests in life including food, wine, history, the Bible, and music.
The Play of Thought: Deborah Warren and Dan Brown — Saturday 11:00 AM
Daniel Brown’s poems have appeared in Poetry, Partisan Review, PN Review, Parnassus, The New Criterion and other journals, as well as a number of anthologies including Poetry 180 (ed. Billy Collins) and The Swallow Anthology of New American Poetry (ed. David Yezzi). His work has been awarded a Pushcart prize, and his collection Taking the Occasion won the New Criterion Poetry Prize. A new collection, What More?, is out from Orchises Press. Brown’s criticism has appeared in The Harvard Book Review, Parnassus, Contemporary Poetry Review, Partisan Magazine, and The New Critierion. His Why Bach? is an online appreciation of the composer. Brown studied musical composition and musicology at Cornell University, holds a Masters in Musicology from Cornell, and taught music history and theory at Cornell and Dartmouth College. An interest in computers led him to the IT field, where he worked at IBM and other companies in a variety of technical, marketing, and management positions. He lives in Baldwin, New York.
Imagination Without Pretense: Kevin Carey and Midge Goldberg [br]— Saturday 1:00 PM
Kevin Carey is an Assistant Professor in the English Department at Salem State University. He has published three books – a chapbook of fiction, The Beach People from Red Bird Chapbooks (2014) and two books of poetry from Cavankerry Press, The One Fifteen to Penn Station (2012) and Jesus Was a Homeboy (2016). His one act plays have been staged at The New Works Festival, The New Hampshire Theater Project and The Endicott College One Act Play Festival. Kevin is also a seventh grade basketball coach and a documentary filmmaker. His latest project Unburying Malcolm Miller is set to premiere at the Mass Poetry Festival in May of 2017.
Breakfast with the Poets — Saturday 8:30 AM
David Davis has been a member of the Powow River Poets since 2005. He is an artificial intelligence researcher and high-tech entrepreneur with a long-term interest in writing. A story of his in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, anthologized and translated into multiple languages, was listed as one of the top 20 science fiction short stories of its year. Davis has edited or written five books in his area of technical expertise, and has published two books of poetry.
Licensed by the Muse: James Matthew Wilson and Rhina P. Espaillat [br]— Saturday 2:00 PM
Rhina P. Espaillat has published ten full-length books and three chapbooks, comprising poetry, essays and short stories, in both English and her native Spanish, and prize-winning translations from and into Spanish. Her work appears in numerous journals, websites and anthologies, and has earned national and international awards. Her most recent publications are two poetry collections in English titled Playing at Stillness and Her Place in These Designs, as well as a book of Spanish translations titled Oscura fruta/Dark Berries: Forty-two Poems by Richard Wilbur, and a book of Spanish translations titled Algo hay que no es amigo de los muros/Something There Is that Doesn’t Love a Wall: Forty Poems by Robert Frost, both available from
Imagination Without Pretense: Kevin Carey and Midge Goldberg [br]— Saturday 1:00 PM
Midge Goldberg’s book, Snowman’s Code, the 2015 Richard Wilbur Poetry Award winner, received the 2016 NH Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry.Her other books include Flume Ride (2006) and the children’s book My Best Ever Grandpa (2015), which was illustrated by local artist Valori Herzlich. Her poems have appeared in Measure, Light, Raintown Review, Appalachia, and on Garrison Keillor’s A Writer’s Almanac. Her poems are included in several anthologies, including Poetry Speaks: Who I Am, Hot Sonnets, the Powow River Anthology, and the Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire. She is a longtime member of the Powow River Poets and has an M.F.A. from the University of New Hampshire. She lives in Chester, New Hampshire, with her family, two cats, and an ever-changing number of chickens.
Deft with a Dagger — Saturday 10:00 AM
A.M. Juster’s work has appeared in Poetry, Hudson Review, Paris Review, Southwest Review and many other journals. He won the Richard Wilbur Award for his first book of original poetry and the Barnstone Translation Prize; he is also a three-time winner of the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award. His most recent books are: Tibullus’ Elegies (Oxford University Press 2012), Saint Aldhelm’s Riddles (University of Toronto Press 2015) and Sleaze & Slander (Measure Press 2016). In 2016 Kelsay Books will publish The Billy Collins Experience and in 2017 the University of Pennsylvania Press will publish The Elegies of Maximianus. He is a graduate of Yale and Harvard with two honorary degrees. Photo credit: Johnson Photography
Breakfast with the Poets — Saturday 8:30 AM
Alfred Nicol’s new collection of poetry, Animal Psalms, will be published by Able Muse Press in March of this year. His previous collection, Elegy for Everyone, was chosen for the first Anita Dorn Memorial Prize in 2009.” Nicol received the 2004 Richard Wilbur Award for an earlier volume, Winter Light. Nicol has written lyrics in French and English for nine original compositions by classical/flamenco guitarist John Tavano. Their CD, The Subtle Thread, released in January, 2015, has received airplay on WMBR’s program French Toast. Nicol’s poems have appeared in Poetry, The Hopkins Review, Dark Horse, First Things, The New England Review, Commonweal, The Formalist, and other literary journals, as well as in Contemporary Poetry of New England and other anthologies.
Deft with a Dagger — Saturday 10:00 AM
Alexandra Oliver was born in Vancouver, Canada. Her most recent book is Let the Empire Down (Biblioasis 2016). Her previous collection, Meeting the Tormentors in Safeway, was named a Canadian Poetry Book of the Year by The National Post and won the Pat Lowther Memorial Award. Oliver is the co-editor of Random House/Everyman’s Measure for Measure: An Anthology of Poetic Meters and has served as co-editor of Canadian formalist journal The Rotary Dial and as a contributing editor for Partisan and ARC Poetry. She has performed her work at numerous festivals and venues worldwide, as well as on CBC Radio, NPR and in the 1998 Paul Devlin documentary Slam Nation. Oliver lives just outside of Hamilton, Ontario and is currently enrolled as a PhD candidate in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University.
Master Craftsmen: Robert Mezey and Robert Shaw — Saturday 3:00 PM
Robert B. Shaw is the author of seven collections of poetry, including Solving for X (winner of the Hollis Summers Prize), Aromatics (winner of The Poets’ Prize), and most recently, A Late Spring, and After. His scholarly work, Blank Verse: A Guide to Its History and Use received the Robert Fitzgerald Award. He has taught courses in literature and creative writing at Harvard, Yale, and, for thirty-three years, at Mount Holyoke College, where he was the Emily Dickinson Professor of English until his retirement in June, 2016. He lives in Florence, Massachusetts. Photo credit: Susan Moore.
The Play of Thought: Deborah Warren and Dan Brown — Saturday 11:00 AM
Deborah Warren is the author of three poetry collections, The Size of Happiness (2003), Zero Meridian (2004), which received the New Criterion Prize, and Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruit (2008), recipient of the Richard Wilbur Award. Her poems have appeared in the Hudson Review, The New Yorker, Paris Review, Poetry, and Yale Review. Her work has also earned her the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award and the Robert Frost Poetry Award. She lives with her husband in Massachusetts.
Licensed by the Muse: James Matthew Wilson and Rhina P. Espaillat [br]— Saturday 2:00 PM
James Matthew Wilson is Associate Professor of Religion and Literature in the Department of Humanities and Augustinian Traditions at Villanova University. An award-winning scholar of philosophical-theology and literature, he has authored dozens of essays, articles, and reviews on subjects ranging from art, ethics, and politics, to meter and poetic form, from the importance of local culture to the nature of truth, goodness, and beauty. Wilson is also a poet and critic of contemporary poetry, whose work appears regularly in such magazines and journals as First Things, Modern Age, The New Criterion, Dappled Things, Measure, The Weekly Standard, Front Porch Republic, The Raintown Review, and The American Conservative. He has published six books, including most recently the major critical study, The Fortunes of Poetry in an Age of Unmaking (Wiseblood, 2015), a collection of poems, Some Permanent Things, and a monograph, The Catholic Imagination in Modern American Poetry (both Wiseblood Books, 2014). Wilson was educated at the University of Michigan (B.A.), the University of Massachusetts (M.A.), and the University of Notre Dame (M.F.A., Ph.D.), where he subsequently held a Sorin Research Fellowship. He joined the faculty of Villanova in 2008. Photo credit: Gerry Cambridge.
Breakfast with the Poets — Saturday 8:30 AM
Born in Moscow, Russia, Anton Yakovlev studied filmmaking and poetry at Harvard University. He is the author of poetry chapbooks Ordinary Impalers (Aldrich Press, 2017), The Ghost of Grant Wood (Finishing Line Press, 2015), and Neptune Court (The Operating System, 2015). His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The Hopkins Review, Prelude, Measure, Amarillo Bay, The Stockholm Review of Literature, and elsewhere. His book of translations of poetry by Sergei Esenin is forthcoming from Sensitive Skin Books in 2017. He curates the Triangle Quarterly reading series at the Bowery Poetry Club and co-hosts the Carmine Street Metrics reading series in New York City. He is a member of the Powow River Poets in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He has also directed several short films.