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Elizabeth Ahl
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
Liz Ahl is the author of numerous books, including most recently, A Case for Solace, Beating the Bounds, Home Economics, Talking About the Weather, and A Thirst That’s Partly Mine, winner of the 2008 Slapering Hol Press chapbook contest. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary journals, among them Prairie Schooner, Measure, Nimrod, and Crab Orchard Review. Her work has also been included in several anthologies, including Outer Space: 100 Poems from Cambridge University Press; This Assignment is So Gay: LGBTIQ Poets on the Art of Teaching; COVID Spring; Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan. She has been awarded residencies at Playa, Jentel, the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. She teaches writing at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire.
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Al Basile
Breakfast With the Poets—Powow River Poets Read Their Work — Saturday 9:00 AM
Poet / playwright, singer / songwriter and cornet player, Al Basile is known to blues fans world wide, with 19 solo albums and eight nominations for Blues Music Awards. He has published three books of poetry, the most recent, Solos, from Antrim House. He has produced several verse audio plays, and his 2019 play, Flash Blind, was a winner of the silver award from the HEARnow national audio drama festival. He is a member of the Powow River Poets and has taught and talked about song lyric writing at the West Chester Poetry Conference and Boston University. He is the host of the online poets-in-conversation show Poems On.
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Daniel Brown
Breakfast With the Poets—Powow River Poets Read Their Work — Saturday 9:00 AM
Daniel Brown’s poems have appeared in Poetry, Partisan Review, PN Review, Raritan, Parnassus, The New Criterion and other journals, as well as a number of anthologies including Poetry 180 (ed. Billy Collins) and The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (ed. David Yezzi). HIs work has been awarded a Pushcart prize, and his collection Taking the Occasion (Ivan R. Dee, 2008) won the New Criterion Poetry Prize. His latest collection is What More? (Orchises Press, 2015). Brown’s criticism of poets and poetry has appeared in The Harvard Book Review, The New Criterion, PN Review, The Hopkins Review and other journals, and the LSU Press has published a critical book of his, Subjects in Poetry. Brown’s Why Bach? and Bach, Beethoven, Bartok are audio-visual ebooks available at
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Mary Buchinger
The Poetry of Mary Buchinger and Alfred Nicol — Saturday 11:30 AM
Mary Buchinger, author of Virology (Lily Poetry Review Books, 2022), /klaʊdz/ (Lily Poetry Review Books, 2021), e i n f ü h l u n g/in feeling (Main Street Rag, 2018), Aerialist (Gold Wake, 2015; shortlisted for the May Swenson Poetry Award, the OSU Press/The Journal Wheeler Prize for Poetry, and the Perugia Press Prize), Roomful of Sparrows (Finishing Line, 2008; New Women’s Voices Series semi-finalist), and Navigating the Reach (Salmon Poetry, forthcoming, 2023), has received awards from the New England Poetry Club and the Virginia Poetry Society, a Norton Island Residency, and over a dozen Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominations. Her poetry appears in AGNI, Hollins Critic, Nimrod, Plume, Salt Hill, Seneca Review, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and elsewhere. Buchinger serves on the board of the New England Poetry Club and teaches at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston.
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Barbara Lydecker Crane
Breakfast With the Poets—Powow River Poets Read Their Work — Saturday 9:00 AM
Barbara Lydecker Crane, a Rattle Poetry Prize finalist in 2017 and 2019, has received two Pushcart nominations and several awards for her sonnets. Her poems, sometimes light and more often serious, have appeared in Alabama Literary Review, Ekphrastic Review, First Things, Light, Measure, THINK, and many others. Her fourth collection, 65 sonnets in the imagined voices of artists through history—with many color artworks included—is entitled You Will Remember Me, forthcoming from Word Galaxy, an imprint of Able Muse Press. Barbara is also an artist and lives in Somerville with her husband, who, she bemoans, resignedly, is not interested at all in poetry.
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Robert W. Crawford
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
Robert W. Crawford has published two books of poetry, The Empty Chair (2011, Richard Wilbur Award), and Too Much Explanation Can Ruin a Man ( 2005). His sonnets have twice won the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award. He is a long-time member of the Powow River Poets of Newburyport, MA. Currently, he is the Director of Frost Farm Poetry in Derry, NH, which includes the Hyla Brook Reading Series, the Frost Farm Poetry Conference, and Frost Farm Poetry Prize. He was named Derry NH’s first Poet Laureate in January 2017. He lives in Chester, NH, with his wife, the poet Midge Goldberg.
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Wendy Drexler
The Poetry of Wendy Drexler and Andrew Hudgins — Saturday 1:30 PM
Wendy Drexler is a recipient of a 2022 artist fellowship from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her fourth collection, Notes from the Column of Memory, was published by Terrapin Books in September 2022. Previous collections include Before There Was Before (Iris Press, 2017). Her poems have appeared in Barrow Street, J Journal, Lily Poetry Review, Nimrod, Pangyrus, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, Solstice, South Florida Poetry Review, Sugar House, The Atlanta Review, The Mid-American Review, The Hudson Review, The Threepenny Review, and the Valparaiso Poetry Review, among others. Her work has been featured on Verse Daily and WBUR’s Cognoscenti; and in numerous anthologies. She’s been the poet in residence at New Mission High School in Hyde Park, MA, since 2018, and is programming co-chair for the New England Poetry Club.
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Rhina P. Espaillat
Breakfast With the Poets—Powow River Poets Read Their Work — Saturday 9:00 AM
Dominican-born Rhina P. Espaillat is a bilingual poet, essayist, short story writer, translator, and former English teacher in New York City’s public high schools. She has published twelve books, five chapbooks, and a monograph on translation. She has earned numerous national and international awards, and is a founding member of the Fresh Meadows Poets of NYC and the Powow River Poets of Newburyport, MA. Her most recent works are three poetry collections: And After All, The Field, and Brief Accident of Light: A Day in Newburyport, co-authored with Alfred Nicol. Her numerous translations include work by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, San Juan de la Cruz, Garcia Lorca, Miguel Hernandez, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Richard Wilbur, and many contemporary poets of the Americas and the Hispanic diaspora, among others.
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Michael Ferber
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
Michael Ferber is the author or editor of seven books about English and Continental Romanticism, including two about William Blake, as well as A Dictionary of Literary Symbolism (third edition 2017) and Poetry and Language: The Linguistics of Verse (2019), both published by Cambridge University Press. Ferber earned a BA in Greek literature from Swarthmore College (1966) and a PhD in English literature from Harvard (1975). He taught English at Yale University, and then worked as a lobbyist and writer about nuclear disarmament in Washington. In 1987 he joined the English Department at the University of New Hampshire; he retired in 2018.
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Midge Goldberg
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
Midge Goldberg is the editor of the anthology Outer Space: 100 Poems, published by Cambridge University Press in December, 2022. Her third book of poetry, To Be Opened After My Death, was published by Kelsay Books in 2021. Her book Snowman’s Code received the Richard Wilbur Poetry Award, and she received the 2016 Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award. She lives in New Hampshire with her family.
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Andrew Hudgins
The Poetry of Wendy Drexler and Andrew Hudgins — Saturday 1:30 PM
The poet Andrew Hudgins is known for his dark humor, formal control, and adept handling of voice in such books as Saints and Strangers (1986), nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and The Never-Ending (1991), a finalist for the National Book Award. Other books include After the Lost War: A Narrative (1988), a series of dramatic monologues recounting the life of Georgia poet and Confederate soldier Sidney Lanier; The Glass Hammer: A Southern Childhood (1994); and the more lyrical 2003 book Ecstatic in the Poison. Hudgins’s many awards include the Hanes Poetry Prize and the Witter Bynner Award for Poetry. He has received fellowships from the Ingram Merrill Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. He has taught at numerous institutions including Baylor University, the University of Cincinnati, and Ohio State University.
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Amit Majmudar
The Poetry of Aaron Poochigian and Amit Majmudar — Saturday 3:30 PM
Amit Majmudar’s forthcoming books are Black Avatar and Other Essays (Acre Books, 2023) and Twin A (Slant Books, 2023). His most recent poetry collection is What He Did in Solitary (Knopf, 2020). The former first Poet Laureate of Ohio, he works as a diagnostic radiologist in Westerville, Ohio. Earlier poetry collections include 0’, 0’ ; Heaven and Earth, a Donald Justice Prize winner; and Dothead. His poems have appeared in the Norton Introduction to Literature, The New Yorker, and numerous Best American Poetry anthologies, as well as journals around the world. Majmudar’s essays have appeared widely. He has published several novels, as well as translations of Hindu sacred texts.
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Alfred Nicol
The Poetry of Mary Buchinger and Alfred Nicol — Saturday 11:30 AM
Saturday Evening: A Little Night Reading With the Newburyport Literary Festival — Saturday 7:00 PM
Alfred Nicol worked in the printing industry for twenty years after graduating from Dartmouth College, where he received the Academy of American Poets Prize. He now lives in West Newbury, Massachusetts, with his wife, Gina DiGiovanni. A longtime member of the Powow River Poets, he edited the Powow River Anthology, published by Ocean Publishing in 2006. Nicol was the recipient of the 2004 Richard Wilbur Award for his first book of poems, Winter Light, published by The University of Evansville Press. His other publications include Animal Psalms (Able Muse, 2016); Elegy for Everyone (Prospero’s World Press, 2009); and Brief Accident of Light: Poems of Newburyport, a collaboration with Rhina P. Espaillat (Kelsay Books, 2019). His poems have appeared in Poetry, The New England Review, Dark Horse, Commonweal, The Formalist, The Hopkins Review, and The Best American Poetry 2018. Visit his website at
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Aaron Poochigian
The Poetry of Aaron Poochigian and Amit Majmudar — Saturday 3:30 PM
Aaron Poochigian earned a PhD in Classics from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University. His thriller in verse, Mr. Either/Or, was released by Etruscan Press in the fall of 2017. A recipient of an NEA Grant in translation, he has published translations with Penguin Classics and W. W. Norton. His latest book American Divine, the winner of the Richard Wilbur Award, came out in 2021. His other poetry collections are Manhattanite (Able Muse Press, 2017), winner of the 2016 Able Muse Book Award, and The Cosmic Purr (Able Muse Press, 2012). His work has appeared in such publications as Best American Poetry, the Paris Review and POETRY.
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Alan Shapiro
The Poetry of Matthew Buckley Smith and Alan Shapiro — Saturday 2:30 PM
Born and raised in Boston, Alan Shapiro, has published 14 poetry collections (most recently, Proceed to Check Out, Against Translation, Reel to Reel, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and Night of the Republic, finalist for both the National Book Award and the International Griffin Prize), 4 books of prose, including The Last Happy Occasion, finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Shapiro has won numerous awards, including The Kingsley Tufts Award, LA Times Book Prize, and awards from The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Poetry Society of America. He is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He recently published Proceed to Check Out, and a new book, By and By, will be published by the prestigious Waywiser Press later this year.
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Matthew Buckley Smith
The Poetry of Matthew Buckley Smith and Alan Shapiro — Saturday 2:30 PM
Matthew Buckley Smith is the author of Dirge for an Imaginary World (Able Muse, 2012), winner of the 2011 Able Muse Book Award, and Midlife (Evansville, forthcoming), winner of the 2011 Richard Wilbur Award. His poems have appeared in magazines including AGNI, Beloit Poetry Journal, Commonweal, Subtropics, and Threepenny Review and have been featured in American Life in Poetry, Best American Poetry, and Poetry Daily. He is the Associate Editor of Literary Matters, and he hosts the NSFW poetry podcast SLEERICKETS.
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Paulette Demers Turco
Breakfast With the Poets—Powow River Poets Read Their Work — Saturday 9:00 AM
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Deborah Warren
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
Deborah Warren’s work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry, and The Yale Review. Her many books include Ausonius (translation): The Moselle and Other Poems (2017, Routledge); The Size of Happiness (2003, Waywiser Press); Zero Meridian (2004, Ivan R. Dee), New Criterion Poetry Prize; Dream With Flowers and Bowl of Fruit (2008, Evansville), Richard Wilbur Award; Strange to Say: Etymology for Serious Entertainment (Paul Dry, 2021); Connoisseurs of Worms (Paul Dry, 2021). She has been the recipient of the Meringoff Prize, the Robert Frost Award, the Robert Penn Warren Prize, and the Howard Nemerov Award.
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Anton Yakovlev
Out of This World—A Reading From Outer Space: 100 Poems — Saturday 10:30 AM
The Last Poet of the Village, Anton Yakovlev’s book of translations of poetry by Sergei Yesenin, was published by Sensitive Skin Books in 2019. His latest English-language poetry chapbook, Chronos Dines Alone (SurVision Books, 2018), won the James Tate Prize. He is also the author of Ordinary Impalers (Kelsay Books, 2017) and two prior chapbooks. His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The New Criterion, The Hopkins Review, Measure, Posit, and elsewhere. Born in Moscow, Russia, Anton is a graduate of Harvard University, a co-host of the Carmine Street Metrics reading series in Manhattan, and a former education director at Bowery Poetry Club in New York City.
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